Architecture for Distant Analysis Program used in Automobiles (Computer Project)

The evaluation program of a Scania car is an fundamental device for working area employees and designers in their work. These days Scania has a program for attractive analytic information from area analyze automobiles place and store them in a data source, so known as distant evaluation. This will save the designers much time by not having to visit every car.

The program uses a Windows centered on-board PC in the car known as an Interactor. The Interactor has a telematic device for interaction with Scanias Fast Administration Method and the CAN-bus in the car. In the next technology of the Interactor, its telematic device is to be changed by a Unix like centered telematic device known as the Communicator 200 (C200). The objective of this expert venture is to make a new design for a distant evaluation program that uses the new telematic device Communicator 200.

The venture gives an evaluation of the current distant evaluation program used at Scania and offers an design for a new technology distant evaluation program using the C200. Also a program for representing how to execute distant evaluation over the C200 has been designed. The venture represents the function and how the demo program was integrated.
Source: Linköping University
Author: Björkman, Anders

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