Since you electronic board USB charger rocket deployed can use. Some capacitors battery USB port and nothing more is added.
Step 1 Tools May required :
The main component is PTN04050, it takes volt 2.4 from batteries and improve to 5 volt to USB
Step 2 Circuit Details and Installation :
Installation is very easy to follow system. To avoid overheating of the Terminal and connector PTN04050 polarity with caution.
Step 3 Final Stage :
To test the device first, I use my USB Tester and then I tried it with my mp3 player, but it shouldn 't be/any problems if I was careful with the Assembly.
©2012, Copyright Raju's Tech World
Monday, February 13, 2012
How To Make
1 comments to "How to Make USB Charger"
Anonymous says:
Awesome post!!! So cool!! Headsup :)