FM transmitter for 2 km range

With a corresponding aerial, the FM transmitter world proven here can send indicators up to a variety of 2 kilo measures. The transistor Q1 and Q2 types a vintage higher susceptible preamplifier level. The music indication to be given is mixed to the platform of Q1 through capacitor C2. R1, R3, R4, R6, R5 and R9 are the biasing resistors for the preamplifier level including of Q1 and Q2. Transistor Q3 works the combined job of oscillator, equipment and ultimate energy firm.C9 and L1 types the container world which is important for developing moaning. Inductor L2 partners the FM indication to the aerial.
Circuit diagram.

Set up the world on a quality PCB.
The world can be operated from anything between 9 to 24V DC.
Inductor L3 can be a VK220J type RFC.
For L1 create 3 changes of 1mm enamelled birdwatcher cable on a 10mm size nasty former. On the same primary create 2 changes of 1 mm enamelled birdwatcher cable near to L1 and that will be L2.
Frequency can be altered by various C9.
R9 can be used to change the obtain.
For the best possible efficiency, value of C8 must be also altered.
Using a power supply for at the rear of the world will decrease disturbance.

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